House Rules

Things to know before booking

There is no elevator in the B&B. Travelers with mobility difficulties and the elderly should consider this before making a reservation.

There is no elevator or porter service in this B&B. Please try to prepare light luggage to avoid difficulty in carrying it. The room is only on the second floor.

The B&B is about 20 minutes drive from Zhushan Town. The B&B has parking space.

Pets are not allowed in the B&B.

There is a dog named Xiaohei at the B&B. If you are allergic to dogs, please consider before making a reservation.

Booking Procedure

Please call 0908-605-272 in advance or visit Reservation on this website, the deposit (50% of the total room price) must be paid within three days after confirmation.

If you need to defer payment, please call us;
If the deposit is not paid within three days, the room type will not be reserved and the reservation will be cancelled.

After remittance, please call us and tell us the last five digits of your account number to confirm the successful booking.

The telephone reservation time is from 8:00 am to 10:00 pm, please call during the reservation time.

Money transfer / ATM transfer information

• Account: Taipei Fubon Bank
• Financial Institution Code: (012)
• Account number: 81680008683502
• Account name: Fung Li Shan
• After remittance, please notify us by phone, line or email, and provide your name, phone number, check-in time, number of guests, and the last five digits of your remittance account number.
• After we receive the deposit, we will reserve the room for you and the balance will be paid on arrival.

Things to know before check-in

  • Please present your ID for registration when checking in, and please pay the remaining balance.
  • Please check in according to the agreed number of people. If the number of guests exceeds the number of people notified at the time of booking, we have the right to deny entry to all areas of the B&B.
  • Children must be 12 years or older to stay. (Prices are based on adults, children under 12 years old are not accepted.)
  • Passengers under the age of 18 are not allowed to be received alone.

Check in / check out

  • Check-in time is from 15:00 to 17:00. If you arrive at the B&B early to place your luggage, you must inform us in advance. Please call us in advance to inform us of late check-in.
  • Please inform the B&B owner that you need to store your luggage after check-out. The B&B is not responsible for the storage of your valuables. Please keep your valuables by yourself. When guests check out, please check all luggage to avoid leaving it behind.
  • Check-out time is before 11 a.m. (overtime will be charged an additional 500 yuan for every half hour, and half an hour will be charged for less than half an hour).


  • Welcome to Shanyao B&B. In order to maintain the quality and safety of the accommodation, there are special accommodation rules, please abide by them.
  • The lobby is open from 07:00 to 22:00. The lobby is a shared space. Please keep it clean after use. Please return books, newspapers, magazines and other items to their original places after reading them. Do not leave personal belongings in the lobby. There is a water dispenser on the second floor, so please make use of it. After 10:00 pm, all B&B doors will be closed. If you need to go out or return late, please inform us in advance.
  • Please take off your shoes indoors and put them in your shoe cuffs, and wear indoor slippers. Please do not wear indoor slippers outdoors. We will provide outdoor slippers.
  • In order to protect the environment, you are welcome to bring your own toiletries, turn off the lights and save water.
  • Please do not take away the belongings belonging to the B&B, and please take good care of all supplies and equipment. If there is any damage or defacement, you will be compensated at the market price
  • The equipment and items in the guest room are provided for guests to use during their stay. Hair dryers, shampoos, shower gels, decoration supplies, home appliances, etc. are not allowed to be taken away.
  • Please do not move indoor and room furnishings (such as beds and bedside tables, etc.) arbitrarily. Avoid eating or drinking on the mattress in the room. Food stains are difficult to clean. Violators will be charged a $1,000 cleaning fee.
  • In order to maintain the tranquility of the community and the quality of accommodation, since the B&B is a wooden house, please keep your footsteps and volume down after 22:00 in the evening and before 7:00 in the morning. Please keep your voice low when opening and closing the door. Please do not stay indoors. If there are loud conversations and noises in the stairwells and public spaces, so as not to disturb the peace of other guests, if the guests continue to make noise and repeated attempts to persuade the guest are ineffective, the B&B may require the guest to check out immediately without refunding the room fee.
  • In order to maintain the accommodation environment, drinking, smoking (including e-cigarettes), betel nut chewing and playing mahjong are strictly prohibited indoors. If there is a smell of cigarette smoke or drunken vomiting in the B&B during check-out, please provide an environmental disinfection fee of RMB 10,000.
  • Drug use, gambling, making loud noises, making troubles, setting off firecrackers and any illegal behavior are prohibited. If there are any violations, the hotel has the right to terminate housing rights and demand compensation, and will call the police.
  • Barbecue and cooking of food are strictly prohibited inside and outside the B&B.
  • The use of loudspeaker equipment such as Bluetooth speakers and singing machines is strictly prohibited in the B&B.
  • The owner hopes that tourists can fully experience the mountain scenery, have more contact with nature, and spend more time with relatives and travel companions when traveling in the mountains. Therefore, there is no TV in the guest room. If you want to watch TV, please go to the living room on the first floor and enjoy Enjoy the fun of interacting with loved ones and traveling companions.
  • This B&B has a surveillance video system in public spaces to ensure the quality and safety of each guest, taking into account privacy and legal requirements, the video will not be leaked.
  • If there are any other matters not covered, this B&B reserves the right of final interpretation in accordance with the relevant accommodation regulations.

Visitor Policy

  • If you have visitors, please inform the B&B owner in advance. Visitors must leave the B&B before 21:00. Visitors can only make appointments to meet in the living room.


  • In order to respond to environmental protection, this B&B will not change bed sheets, bath towels and other items for extended stays to reduce water waste. You are welcome to bring your own toiletries. Please take the initiative to inform us if you need to clean the garbage.

breakfast time

  • Breakfast 8:00-10:00.
  • If you have allergies or religious factors, please inform us in advance.
  • Breakfast is provided free of charge based on the number of guests staying. No refund will be given if not used.

Room equipment

  • Household appliances: cooling and heating
  • Bathroom equipment: wet and dry bathroom, hair dryer, bathroom accessories
  • Bath supplies: toothbrush, toothpaste, shower cap
  • French brand shower gel, shampoo, hair conditioner, body lotion
  • The B&B uses Sealy mattresses and pillows, and bedding imported from the United States.
  • The B&B provides 24-hour hot water, please save water.

Shared facilities

  • Lobby: sofa and books
  • Others: Wireless Network


  • Breakfast
  • Call a taxi
  • Provide travel consulting services


  • Please take your valuables with you. The B&B is not responsible for their safekeeping and will not compensate for any loss.
  • If the above regulations are violated, the B&B reserves the right to refuse the guest to check in and no refund will be given.
  • After making a reservation, you agree to abide by the above precautions.

Cancellation of regulations

The deductions for cancellations made by this B&B are as follows:

  • If the guest cancels the reservation on the day of stay, 100% of the prepaid deposit will be deducted
  • If the passenger cancels the reservation within 1-2 days before the accommodation date, 80% of the prepaid deposit will be deducted
  • If the passenger cancels the reservation 3-6 days before the accommodation date, 50% of the prepaid deposit will be deducted
  • If the passenger cancels the reservation 7 days before the accommodation date, 0% of the prepaid deposit will be deducted
  • In the event of natural disasters (such as earthquakes and typhoons) that cause traffic interruption and make it impossible to come, 100% of the deposit will be refunded upon notification by the competent authority.
  • If you are unable to leave due to traffic obstruction due to typhoon, your stay at this B&B will be discounted at 40% off the original price
  • Please treat the B&B as your own home and look forward to having you come back to visit us often!

Thank you for your cooperation and wish you a safe journey!